Human rights
Participants observed that some of the outstanding abuses of human rights were reflected in form of poor service delivery in the key areas such as education, health, HIV/AIDS prevention and counseling and land ownership among the most vulnerable e.g. women. Staff felt too many children and women remained vulnerable because of denied human rights associated with sub-sectors mentioned in this category.
Natural Resource Management
The key natural resources that participants focused on include forests,ol and gas; fishing and L.Albert as a natural resource. The exploitation of these great resource has often been associated with either environmental degradation or unsustainable usage that puts the lives of future generations in jeopardy
Economic Livelihood
While the two themes of HUMAN RIGHTS and NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGMENT will largely be approached through advocacy work: LACWADO will seek to use more practical interventions to promote the economic livelihood of women and children through expanding village saving and loan associations (VSLAs)-an approach that has already been established albeit on a smaller scale.
Humanitarian Response to Floods
We are providing emergency Humanitarian Response to Floods Affected population in Buliisa
HIV/AIDS Epidemic Control
LACWADO through sensitization is working hard to accelerate and sustain HIV/AIDS Epidemic Control .
Family Planning Activity
Youths in Bulisa district are shown vocational skills from which they can earn a living.
Youth Skilling
Youths in Bulisa district are being taught vocational skills which they can use to earn a living and curb the high poverty rate.
Institutional capacity
Strategic Goals Resource Mobilization: Governance, Policies, Systems Staff Competences